Causes of Common Foot Pain

By learning about some of the most common reasons why a person's feet may hurt, you may find yourself in a better position to realize when you may have certain issues going on. This article will introduce you to some of the most common causes of foot pain, explain those conditions to you, and give you tips on ways that you can go about dealing with them, so you can feel better and recognize when it's time to seek the help of a podiatrist.

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the more common reasons for foot pain. It causes pain along the bottom of your foot, which can be more intense near the area around your heel. This condition is caused by an injury of some type with your plantar fascia, which is the long tendon that runs the length of your foot. The injury can stem from a pull, a tear, or even a bruise. Cold helps with inflammation, as does taking anti-inflammatories. For serious cases, your podiatrist may suggest more invasive forms of treatment, such as physical therapy or possibly even surgery.


Another very common cause of foot pain is bunions. Bunions can be caused by genetics, but other things can also cause them, such as wearing shoes that fit too tightly or put too much pressure on the toe area of your foot. The joints in your toes will hurt when your shoes rub against them, and this will lead to inflammation and redness. A firm lump will show up at the joint area of your big toe and cause it to even look deformed in some cases. Wearing properly fitted shoes will be a big part of getting relief from bunions. You can also use pads that are designed to provide the area with cushion. In severe cases your podiatrist may want to perform surgery to remove the bunion.

Achilles tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is another painful condition that can cause pain to your foot, as well as up into your calf. This condition is caused by injury, irritation, or inflammation to the Achilles tendon. This is the tendon that attaches your calf and ankle to the heel of your foot. Runners, those who wear high heels often, and those who wear the wrong shoes when exercising are at an increased risk of developing this condition. Resting the foot, icing the foot, and taking anti-inflammatories is the best course of action to take right away with this condition. If it doesn't go away on its own, then go to the podiatrist for further treatment.

Morton's Neuroma

Morton's Neuroma causes pain that is felt in the ball area of your foot and it can make its way to your middle toes. This condition can be described as feeling like you have a pebble under that portion of your foot. High-impact sports and wearing high heels are some of the more common causes of this condition. Wearing better shoes can help with the symptoms, as well as possibly taking  cortisone injections and using special foot pads.
